Monday, April 07, 2008

A Step into the Future - Hydrogen Boosted Engines

by Darren Williger

The Increasing costs of gas in the past years have brought us to think of newer and cheaper ways to fuel our automobiles.
Auto Makers have been digging down deep to find new ways to create a fuel economy that we can afford and is effective. They have come across and ideal way to improve the fuel economy by adding the hydrogen to the fuel/air mix inside the engines of the cars. One of the problems of using hydrogen is that it's not readily available at the local gas station as the idea wasn't much explored until now.
One of the pluses of using the hydrogen Boosted engines is the cost and environmental advantages these types of engines will give you. The Hydrogen boosted engines will put out low amounts of NOx emissions unlike the gas engines. This feature will allow the entire external NOx emissions control to be excluded saving once again on costs. The NOx emissions control is a major problem now for diesel engines. The filter in the diesel that collects the particles from the emissions needs to be changed regularly raising the costs of diesels once again.
The amount of small exhaust emissions in the Hydrogen boosted engines is very low cost and needs little controlling. They require no Nox or Particulate control. The Oxidation catalyst is very low cost and can save a small fortune on the construction of the engine. Further cost lowering elements related to the emission consist of the engine using clean hydrogen during the cold start phase where 90% of the emissions where in the emissions test.

The current costs of the Hydrogen boosting systems can be added right away to existing engine compartments giving the advantages right away. The cost of this system is less than half of the diesel added compartments. The hydrogen boost system creators are sure that this new system will improve the vehicle and save on costs.
Currently the prototypes of the hydrogen boosted engines are being installed in the SUVs that can handle the size of the compartments and its added systems. They are starting tests on its lasting durability and performance. They will be reporting on its performance within the year before further testing is done.
More studies on the Four Cylinder gas engines will be done as gas prices continue to climb and generate more competition for the fuel economy.
The Hydrogen Boosted engines will be a great hope for stretching your gas out per mile and having fewer problems with the engines burning out the gas faster. Hydrogen boosted engines will conserve the gas you have and make it stretch further.
Though the hydrogen boosted engines are not available now you will be able to purchase them faster than you expect. The Manufacturers are looking to offer you the solution you have been waiting for and help you save on your overall gas spending. So if you currently own gas...sit tight a bit longer and don't go diesel it will pay off soon enough.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and WindPurifier.Com

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