Saturday, April 12, 2008

HHO Water Fuel

by Timothy Payn

HHO water fuel is a clean and sustainable way to run our cars and power our domestic appliances. Of course there are many other industrial applications for HHO water fuel. Here we focus on hydrogen fuel for the average consumer. We also look at how we can incorporate it into our everyday lives. The bare fact is that any vehicle can be quickly, cheaply and easily converted to run on HHO water fuel.
You don't need to hold any kind of special 'green' agenda to understand that putting water in your tank costs less than filling it with gas. Once you understand just how efficient HHO car conversions are, you can also appreciate the way you can take less from the earth's natural resources. Renewable energy may be a sort of fetish for a few people, but that doesn't preclude the rest of us from taking an interest and even joining in. When it makes sense. In the case of HHO water fuel for cars, it does.
Well, there is an area in which HHO water fuel makes sense for all of us. That is for running our cars, our refrigerators, our stoves and electrical appliances. This is a win-win situation. We can put more money back in our pockets. And, if global warming and diminishing resources prove to be true, we will be doing our bit for the environment at the same time. Now that really does make sense.
A decent HHO water fuel guide is absolutely essential. Making a conversion kit yourself is the best way to go, but the quality of that manual is critical. Only by getting HHO water fuel systems right can you expect to reap the benefits. While the underlying technology isn't particularly complicated, most people will need proper guidance on how to make conversion kits for their cars and white goods.
Explore the available guides thoroughly, select the best, and get going. Don't be a cheap skate. Expertise doesn't come cheap, although I wouldn't expect to fork out over $100 for a genuinely good manual.
So what are the facts and statistics about hydrogen fuel technology which are of interest to us ordinary mortals?

Well, to run a car, you could be looking at cutting your gas costs to zero with one of the proven HHO conversion kits.
Hybrid hydrogen fuel systems can reduce your car's gas bill by half.
There are more than 100,000 vehicles in the U.S. running on home-applied HHO water fuel.
More than 20% of Norwegian homes run their domestic appliances via hydrogen fuel cells and own a vehicle powered, at least in part, by hydrogen water fuel.
Transportation, in toto, within the European Economic Zone, now has 0.6% of vehicles running on HHO gas.
Every single day across the globe more than 1,500 people are converting their cars to run on HHO water fuel themselves.
The majority of individuals doing these conversions now reside in first world economies.
HHO water fuel can be employed to generate power for most things you can think of in your home.
It is absolutely true that the only emission from a hydrogen fueled car is water.
Fuel cells were first used almost 160 years ago and are used extensively today in space exploration programs.
Take your time. Sit down and evaluate the various DIY manuals on HHO water fuel. Just ensure it also covers batteries and generators too if you want hydrogen fuel to supply all your household energy needs.

Timothy Payn's blog:

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