Thursday, May 29, 2008

Water Instead Of Petrol

by Paul Aitchison

This article will look at the question: will cars run on water instead of petrol.
Will cars ever run on water instead of petrol seems like a question someone would ask 30 or 40 years ago. Now the time has arrived and the reality of cars running on water is a step closer. We are not quite there but we can use, what is called, a hybrid system.
A water hybrid system means we can use fuel it is a practical solution developed for use in fuelinjected and carbureted motor vehicles. The secret of the waterhybrid system lies within its HyTronic module. It produced relatively low voltage, but uniquely shaped electronic pulses of precise frequency and duration. The overall power consumption of the HyTronic module and the entire waterhybrid system is fairly low; actually low enough to be easily powered by your vehicles excess electrical and heat output, and with enough reserve power left to help run all your vehicles other electrical devices.

This might give a little too much science as to how it works, but all you need to know is that I does work and you do not need to know the science behind it, do you know how electricity works?
If you are really thinking of changing over to the hybrid system then I would do a lot of research and be sure about what you are doing. There is a lot of information out there so do be careful.
So, will cars ever run on water instead of petrol one day? I think we are 10-15 years away from it but for now the hybrid system is the next best thing.

To find out more about using water to run your car and get a free question and answer report please visit

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